Introduce Family & Friends to the Shooting Sports

By using our ultra-light bullets, you can reduce the noise and recoil of your favorite deer rifle to that of a .22 rim fire. They will never learn to flinch in the first place!

Learn to enjoy your Big Bore

Your shot must rely on muscle memory; there is no time to think. Now, work the action, quick. By using our ultra-light bullets, you can train those muscles to react instantly. . . without brutalizing yourself.

Get the Picture - See the Trends

Our ultra-light bullets are so far out of the main stream that we’ve had to research everything from the properties of metals to bullet stability to charge weights.

Train Your Children To Shoot; NOT Flinch


Graphical Reloading Data

The 4-Sigma way of presenting reloading data gives you a better understanding of what's going on.

30 Caliber Recoil Comparisons

Just exactly how much can 4-Sigma Bullets reduce that recoil?


A subset of training, plinking is building enthusiasm and reinforcing muscle memory.

Reduced Load Ammo

Any less powder and we’ll start sticking bullets in the barrel—and believe thee me, we’ve done a lot of that!

Training Muscle Memory

What the heck is this all about? We want to train their muscle memory to do the work, not their brain.


When you’re in a flinch, you’re not in for much fun. Un-flinching yourself is not easily done.

Unique Options
Lighter than Light ~ Heavier than Heavy

4-Sigma offers the handloader a number of options unavailable anywhere else in the industry: from very light to very heavy. We’ve been around a long time. Our first bullet patent was issued in 1973, and since then, our product line has continually expanded.

Our name, 4-Sigma Bullets, is indicative of the uniqueness of our bullets. Our products are way out in the tails of a “normal” distribution; and, in fact, no other manufacturer makes lighter or heavier bullets than we do.