Ultra Lite bullets are machined on state-of-the-art CNC equipment from a special aluminum alloy selected because of its workability and inherently lower coefficient of friction. The bullets are then heat treated, and as a final step, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is burnished into the aluminum. MoS2 is more slippery than graphite but it does not burn off when fired. You’ll notice the “slippery” as soon as you pick one up. The end result is reduced pressure.
It’s almost deer season and the younger members of the family want to shoot dad’s or granddad’s deer rifle. If that happens, dad or granddad will be responsible for teaching the young ones to flinch, a habit that is difficult to break. The noise and recoil are just too much.
To paraphrase the inimitable Dr. Seuss:
When you’re in a flinch,
You’re not in for much fun.
Unflinching yourself
Is not easily done.
A .22RF would work better, but what the kids really want to shoot is dad’s “big gun.” 4-Sigma has a .308″ 38gr bullet that can be loaded to exit the muzzle of an ’06 at 1800 fps… duplicating the noise level and recoil of a .22RF. Win – win!
Think back to when you were learning to ride a bicycle. You took a tumble or two until your muscle memory got trained. If you get on a bicycle now and try to fall down, you can’t do it. Your muscle memory is too strong.
If you use the same principle while teaching about sight picture and trigger control (and if you don’t get in a hurry) you will get the same result. You can then gradually increase bullet weight and powder charge, and your favorite novice will never even notice.
Taming The Brutes
Whether it’s a charging buffalo or fleeting glimpses of your trophy moose running through the brush, your shot must rely on muscle memory; there is no time to think. Now, work the action, quick. By using our ultra-light bullets, you can train those muscles to react instantly. . . without brutalizing yourself.
Shooting a .458 Win Mag is not a pleasant experience. Its noise, its recoil, and its ammo cost all contribute to its not being regularly seen at the local shooting range on family day.
Ah! But what if you could send an 88gr bullet out the muzzle of your .458 at, say, 1,400 fps? The resulting noise and recoil are slightly less than a .30 M1 Carbine. Now you can take your elephant gun down off the wall and enjoy shooting it.
HINT: your wife and kids might also like to “give it a bit of a go.”
Similar results are to be had with the other “big bores.”
Loading Data
Every bullet maker makes their bullets for a specific purpose: hunting, plinking, accuracy, environmental protection, etc. Our bullets are made specifically for “muscle memory training”. Using them, a very large rifle (e.g. a .458 Winchester Magnum), can be loaded to essentially mimic a .22 Long Rifle with its minimal noise and recoil.
Thus, novices of all ages can be introduced to the shooting sports without ever learning to flinch; and, big bore owners can train or retrain for that ultra fast second shot, without the fear of brutalization.
Our data are presented graphically so you can see the trends and data scatter that no one else will show you. Each dot represents a shot fired in one of our rifle(s), using random-manufactured brass, our lot(s) of powder(s), our lot(s) of primers, and our chronographs. We have made no effort to control for temperature or powder position.
In short, we’ve intentionally done everything we can to make the information a likely representation of the real-world. By way of contrast, the highly standardized approach used by virtually all ballistics laboratories yields more uniform, but less representative, results. The odds of you being able to duplicate our data exactly are somewhere well south of nil.
The big advantage our graphical approach is that you can see the trends and the scatter. The trend lines are simply a least squares fit of the data to a logarithmic function. As can be seen, some powder/bullet combinations are much “better behaved” than others.
The big concern for essentially all other loading data sources is high pressure with it’s attendant risk of equipment destruction and/or personal injury. Our problem is low pressure with it’s attendant risk of stuck bullets. In developing the data, we tended to push the envelope, and as a result, we had a lot of stuck bullets. The stuck bullets are reported as red dots on the trend line . . . which is a little misleading since the velocity of a stuck bullet is obviously zero. Bottom line, STAY AWAY FROM THE RED DOTS and be aware that tight barrels will stick more bullets than loose barrels!
Unique Options
Lighter than Light ~
Heavier than Heavy
4-Sigma offers the handloader a number of options unavailable anywhere else in the industry: from very light to very heavy. We’ve been around a long time. Our first bullet patent was issued in 1973, and since then, our product line has continually expanded.
Our name, 4-Sigma Bullets, is indicative of the uniqueness of our bullets. Our products are way out in the tails of a “normal” distribution; and, in fact, no other manufacturer makes lighter or heavier bullets than we do.